I love Private Label Rights products but there is a mistake with PLR that most people make.
- I use PLR to help me create my own info-products.
- I create PLR products for other marketers to sell as their own.
- And I promote top quality PLR as an affiliate.
As you can see, there are lots of ways to make money with PLR.
But sadly, most people who buy PLR fail for one simple reason. (A mistake I’m often guilty of committing as well.)
Here’s the mistake with PLR: Most people buy PLR then pigeon hole it away for later. They completely forget about it and it sits of their hard drive collecting virtual dust.
That’s right, the #1 mistake with PLR is NOT EVER USING IT!
It’s far too east to get in the habit of buying content with the best intentions, then never getting it online where it can help people and earn you money.
Hey, humans are busy these days. We’re always multi-tasking. Finding a few hours to put a PLR product up can be challenging.
I want to solve this mistake with PLR for you today.
I developed the following four step method to turn PLR into money instantly. I’ve used this technique successfully over and over, so I know it works. Here is that four step method…
Step 1: Download and Evaluate
When acquiring products with private label rights, the trick is to immediately evaluate the package.
Download it right away. Unzip the folder. Read the rights and then move on immediately to read the text, listen to the audio, watch the videos. Basically consume the product yourself, as if you just bought it from.. you!
You want to make sure it is top quality stuff you’ll be proud to sell as your own.
Step 2: Repackage and Brand
Decide which parts of the PLR product you want to use in your own package and delete the fluff. Create a new folder and drag and drop all the stuff you’ll be using into that new folder.
Create a new title for the product and get a new 3D ecover made up with your new title and your name as the author.
You can easily create a new ecover in a few minutes at Canva.com.
Next take a few minutes and add your name or pen name inside the ebook title page and onto your sales page to brand it as your own.
Step 3: Upload and Test
Once your product is complete, take out the sales letter and download page parts of the product, so you are left only with a folder for your customers. Then highlight the entire product folder and compress it into a zip file for your customers.
If you are not familiar with the process, you simply right click, then chose compress or Send to” Compressed (.zip) folder. This will create a smaller zip file containing all the contents that you can upload to your web host. This .zip file is the one you link your download page to so that customers can get their product.
Next you upload your sales page and your download page, then visit them to make sure they load properly. Be sure to also download your product from your download page and unzip it. Make sure all the contents are there.
Finally, make sure your order button on your sales page works!
Note: If all of this PLR editing and uploading and testing is beyond your technical skillset, here’s exactly how you can set it up step-by-step in an hour.
Step 4: Promote it!
Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people get stuck. The have a great product to sell as their own but no idea how to sell it. The thing is, in order to make sales, you need to get traffic to your sales page!
This is easy if you have an opt-in list — you just send out a series of email solos. If you have a Facebook or twitter following, you can get the word out there. But if you have no list or following to speak of, then you need to get traffic other ways.
Because traffic is the holy grail of Internet marketing – if you know how to get it, then you can probably find a way to succeed in Internet Marketing. The problem is, everyone wants it to just “happen” and very few marketers really work at getting traffic — usually because they have no idea where to start..
So here’s 17 free website traffic methods that you can pick and choose from and combine whichever ones you want. The only thing I ask is, try to test each method at least once – just so you know what worked and what didn’t with your niche needs.
And if you’re looking for a shortcut to traffic, use affiliates.
Here is a guide shows you how to set up any PLR product in an hour and get affiliates promoting for you!